Regardless of whether guests are spending just a night or a week-long vacation, hotel towels must be of appropriate, i.e. high, quality.
When choosing terry towels for a hotel, there are several aspects to consider. The most important features of a terry towel are absorbency and softness, which undoubtedly affect the level of comfort of using the towel. Since the effectiveness in drying the skin is the main function of terry towels, absorbency will be a decisive factor when choosing them.
The same applies to the second, but equally important parameter, which is the composition of the towels. The more artificial materials (e.g. polyester) they contain, the less their ability to properly absorb water will be. For example, trying to dry yourself with a 100% fleece towel can take forever, because this type of material simply does not absorb water. On the other hand, towels made of 100% cotton will have the best absorbency and are the most skin-friendly towels. They are also considered the most luxurious due to their increased softness.
The softness of a terry towel depends on its type and material. As we wrote above, towels made of 100% cotton are best for the skin. However, we do not recommend using polyester towels. The most important factor in determining the softness of a terry towel, apart from the material, is the length of its "hair", i.e. the length of the fabric loops on the towel's surface. The longer the loops of a terry towel, the softer it will be to the touch; its absorbency will also be better. However, very long loops on a terry towel easily catch on anything (e.g. jewelry, sharp objects, etc.) and therefore it is easier to accidentally pull the thread out of the towel, and the towel can wear out and fill with holes very quickly. If a terry towel has very short loops, it will be less absorbent - so it is wise to find a towel that has medium-length loops.

Terry towels are available in many colors and patterns. Hotels usually use white terry towels because you can see at a glance whether they are clean or dirty. In addition, it is much more efficient to keep single-colored textiles in the hotel laundry. Some hotels and spas use terry towels in other colors to emphasize their individuality. Terry towels are also available with all kinds of decorations, such as borders, patterns, etc. We recommend that hotels use terry towels without additional decorations, because they often behave differently than the rest of the towel during washing (the towel can warp, etc.). The obvious goal of every hotel is to use a terry towel for as long as possible. Therefore, it is of great importance.

Terry towels are also available in different densities – density is measured in grams of fabric per square meter. The most popular density of terry towels in hotels is 400–600 g/m2. Cheaper terry towels with a density of less than 400 g/m2 are also available, but we do not recommend them because they are too thin. Terry towels with a density of 1000 g/m2 can also be made, but we do not see the point. Luxury hotels use terry towels with a density of 550–600 g/m2 and this is generally the maximum density used. The most standard hotel terry towel has a density of 400 g/m2 and is the optimal choice in all respects (absorbency, softness, price, washing price, etc.)