Each year, the color experts at Pantone LLC announce their Color of the Year. While some of you may think that this is not particularly significant to the textile industry, we assure you that it is not! For 20 years, the Pantone Color of the Year has influenced the development of a whole range of products and purchasing decisions in many industries – including the broadly defined textile and towel industry.
What is the process of selecting the Pantone Colour of the Year?
The process of selecting the Color of the Year requires thoughtful and in-depth analysis of trends in many areas of everyday life. Pantone color experts scour the world for new color influences to fully determine which color of the year will take home the prestigious title. After Living Coral had its 5 minutes as the 2019 Color of the Year, Pantone LLC announced the winner of the 2020 Color of the Year is Classic Blue 19-4052
As the name suggests, Classic Blue is a simplified color, yet it still has a certain touch of classic elegance. As highlighted by experts from Pantone LLC, Classic Blue represents our desire for security and reliability as we enter a new decade and a new era. The blue color in its simplicity provides a sense of calm and focus, and the Color of the Year enhances this sense of calm and provides peace in our hectic lives.

Pantone LLC states, “As technology continues to outpace the human ability to process everything, it’s easy to see why we gravitate toward colors that are honest and hold the promise of protection. Trusted by PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue, it’s non-aggressive and easy to relate to. This universal favorite is associated with coming back the next day.” And we totally agree.
York always follows the trend
York offers a range of fabrics in various shades of blue. Whether your clients are thinking about a new uniform for their staff to improve their brand perception or need clothing for a promotional event to start a new image campaign, we are here as experts to help you find the best colours and interesting and always up-to-date clothing personalisation options. We invite you to contact our sales department – they are professionals who are always happy to help and advise on everything.